OPAC ( Intranet Only)

OPAC ( Intranet Only)

Membership and Admission to the Library

Library services and use of library resources are restricted only to the library members, but others who wish to consult the resources of the Library may do so with the permission of the Librarian or in her absence, from senior most member of the staff of the library present. Permission can be refused without assigning any reasons.

Application for membership is to be made on the prescribed form obtained from the Library. Library Membership for students, research scholar, faculty members & non- teaching staff shall be recommended by the respective Heads of the Department / Deputy Registrar(Administration). On fulfilling the requirements a Library card shall be issued to the members.

Note - To get Library Card following documents are required to submit in Library :
Note - To get Library Card following documents are required to submit in Library :
Sl No. Category Maximum books can be issued at a time Loan Period
1 Faculty 05 30 Days
2 Research scholars 01 07 Days
3 Students 01 07 Days
4 4. Non – Teaching 01 30 Days
Timing to issue Library Card – 11:00AM to 1:00PM . 2:00PM to 3:00 PM.
Students Faculty Non- Teaching
Loan Period 7 Days Rs. 5.00 per day Rs. 5.00 per day
Overdue Charges per book from 8 th day onwards Rs. 10 per day Rs.  5.00 per day Rs. 10 per day