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Two Days National Workshop on Library Automation System using KOHA held during 16th and 17th of November, 2019 at Usha Martin University, Ranchi, Jharkhand
The training workshop took place on 16th -17th November,2019 at UMU campus Library, Ranchi. For the purpose of the skill development of library staff, Library Science students and the teacher-in-charge of the Library and Information Science Department, a two days National Workshop was arranged at Usha Martin University, Ranchi. An important underlying focus of the…

Book Exhibition at UMU Library
Usha Martin University Library organized a Book Exhibition in coordination with New Age International Publications, New Delhi. The exhibition was held on 29th October, 2021 at UMU Library. The books of Pharmacy Department were displayed in the exhibition. The Book Exhibition provided an opportunity to see the content of different books and directly interact with…

The Library of Usha Martin University organized a workshop on 28/05/2022, on Manupatra Database at Library. Manupatra is a online database on legal research It covers several judicial cases held in Supreme Court, High Courts and others. The workshop was organized to train the students and faculty members of Legal Studies Department for accessing and…

Book Exhibition at UMU Library
Usha Martin University Library organized a Book Exhibition in coordination with New Age International Publications, New Delhi. The exhibition was held on 23rd November, 2021 at UMU Library displayed the books on Engineering. The Book Exhibition provided an opportunity to see the content of different books and directly interact with the publisher. The faculty members…

Technical Orientation Programme on Plagiarism Check Software Ouriginal (Urkund)
UMU Library organized and Orientation Programme on plagiarism software Ouriginal (formally URKUND) for our faculty members and research scholars under the aegis of INFLIBNET . Mrs Priti Rathi from e galactic was eminent speaker. The Program was held on 21st July 2021 from 11 AM to 12 PM. 50 participants was presented in the program. The programme was Inaugurated…

161th Birth Anniversary Celebration of Swami Vivekananda
The 161th Birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda celebrated in the Usha Martin University Library on 12th January 2024. On January 12, 2024, the UMU Library celebrated National Youth Day, which commemorates the 161st anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s birth. The UMU staff members, librarians, and students began the festivities by garlands around Swami Ji’s image. Ms. Sumita Ghose,…